Link>NEOPHYTE Full Manual of 16 Sessions
In January 2022 I am starting the Zoom classes. You must have the PDF manual to join these.
What will you learn? First, you need to decide if these classes are for you. Do you want to learn how to tap into the Power of the Universe? Do you want to feel the peace and tranquility that these openings activate? Do you want to see how the Universe now contacts you and leads you gently towards your true destiny? It is Magic when you feel the miracles of life. Truly your destiny becomes one with all.
Do you want to put the effort into activating that? And that is my big question to you. Do you, or are you willing to put the work into the classes? Much like University which is a choice for most, you have to put work into your choice of certification. You will have to do this with these learnings. And just like in university, everyone gets different grades. Note that these classes are not being graded, I just used that as an analogy.
However, some people tap into the Universal Power faster than others. As you follow along with my late Father's teachings and my expertise, having traveled this path, you will be encouraged to not judge yourself by others.
Still Interested ?:) FULL Class Description Below
FULL Class Description:
Neophyte Sessions: Session 1: What Magic Is Session 2: Self-awareness Session 3: Meditation Session 4: Your Mind Session 5: Intuition Session 6: Visualisation Session 7: ESP Session 8: Relaxation Session 9: The Pendulum Session 10: Clairvoyance Session 11: Healing Session 12: Reincarnation Session 13: Hypnotism Session 14: Psychic Self-defence Session 15: Astral Travel Session 16: Review of Progress
To Register: You may e-transfer and I will send you the Session One Manual and register you for class. e-transfer to vau@alternativeuniverse.ca COST: $30 plus GST = $31.50 CANADIAN Dollars.
Register via the web store for Session One plus the manual: Link>Session One WITH Manual
FULL 16 Sessions with Manual for all Zoom classes:
You may e-transfer me at vau@alternativeuniverse.ca in the amount of $390.00 CANADIAN Dollars.
Register via the web store for the complete manual PLUS the 16 Session Link>16 SESSIONS plus the COMPLETE MANUAL
These are Zoom classes so you may sign up no matter where you live. Those who are registered and fully paid will be able to get the recorded class if you miss one or any of them. Any questions? Please mail me vau@alternativeuniverse.ca Subject: Zoom Classes
Positive Thoughts To You Always,
VcToria Gray-Cobb
The Alternative Universe and Campo Santo
780-481-7238 Canada